Good News Week
Hefting the whiskey bottle by its neck, Nesbitt pointed it from close range at the junior detective’s face. “Get this chancer out of here,” he said. “Boy’s games are over, and if you force me to start with men’s games then somebody’s going to get hurt.”
Gangland London, 1969. Nick Nesbitt is released from prison as the Krays go down for life. Hell bent on making up for lost time, Nesbitt plots a takeover of the twins’ old manor. He’s got the guts and the chutzpah to carry it off, and having spent his jail time studying the Napoleonic Wars, he’s got battle smarts into the bargain.
But there’s a problem he hadn’t bargained for. Nick Nesbitt is seeing ghosts, and neither Bonaparte nor Wellington said very much about dealing with that kind of enemy. Nesbitt needs to get wise, and quickly, because he was right about one thing: boys’ games are well and truly over. He can barely imagine the games about to begin.
For reviews, further information, or to buy Good News Week, follow THIS LINK to the book’s Amazon page.

All These Nearly Fights
Jimmy Harris, a super-slick salesman, has won a small fortune playing the lottery, but has yet to give up his job wheeling and dealing at the car dealership where he’s one of the top performers. In point of fact, nothing has changed in Jimmy’s life since his numbers came up. Not only has he hardly dipped into his winnings, he hasn’t even let on to people that he’s actually won nearly four million pounds.
At the apex of Jimmy’s inaction lies a dilemma concerning his love life. Should he stay faithful to his gorgeous girlfriend, Charlotte? Or ought he to leverage his winnings in order to hook up once more with sexy minx Isabel, his former long-term partner who left him for a wealthier man.
Christmas is coming. Jimmy knows it’s high time he did something with his new-found wealth. Join him for five crazy days in December as he begins to make his choices.
For reviews, further information, or to buy All These Nearly Fights, follow THIS LINK to the book’s Amazon page.

Fault on Both Sides
Jimmy Harris is back, and his life is spiralling out of control. Compelled to decide between two beautiful women, he manages to alienate them both. His career is in ruins, too, following a fracas at the car dealership where he had been in contention to become top salesman. And Jimmy’s ideas about starting a dealership of his own have also hit trouble now that his best mate and business partner has got cold feet.
It’s just as well, then, that our hero has won millions playing the lottery. With all that money, allied to his natural charm and guile, surely he’ll soon have his life back together. Or will he? Might Jimmy actually make things worse as only he can? Fault on Both Sides is the concluding episode in the Jimmy Harris story, and describes Jimmy’s roller-coaster ride to put right the things he did wrong in his earlier adventure, All These Nearly Fights.
For reviews, further information, or to buy Fault on Both Sides, follow THIS LINK to the book’s Amazon page.

They’re Closing The Lamb and Musket
The end draws near for The Lamb and Musket. Ear-marked for demolition, with a supermarket to be built in its stead, nothing can save this dear old pub from its impending demise.
Or can it?
Thirty something friends Ricky and Patrick may have a trick or two up their sleeves. Both are regulars at The Lamb. Both are shrewd, sharp and smart – successful in business and streetwise as they come. If anyone can save The Lamb, it’ll be one or other of this pair.
Trouble is, both Ricky and Patrick are heavily distracted. Ricky’s busy at work, and even busier cheating on his wife and long-time partner Caroline. Patrick, who thinks Caroline is gorgeous, is aghast at Ricky’s affairs, but grateful for them also, seeing his friend’s infidelity as an opportunity to make his own move on Caroline.
Meanwhile, time ticks down on The Lamb and Musket, despite the dogged but futile efforts of campaign chairman Gareth, whose obsession with saving the pub (while winning the heart of barmaid Mel), leads him into bad company and the embrace of bad ideas – all of which look like landing him in jail. And just in case the Lamb’s patrons didn’t have enough on their plates, a simmering feud between Patrick and a local gang of hooligans gets entirely out of hand on the pub’s very last night of trading, with the bloodiest of consequences ensuing.
And yet, somehow and some way, there may just be a miracle on the horizon. The Lamb and Musket has one chance to come back from extinction. Might anyone step up and make it count?
For reviews, further information, or to buy They’re Closing The Lamb and Musket, follow THIS LINK to the book’s Amazon page.

Red Leicester Blues
It’s the 1970s in Leicester, and New Parks kid Billy Prendergast is, at face value, a pretty regular five-year-old. He has a bullying elder brother, a pesky younger sister, and an interest in Doctor Who bordering on the obsessive. But other aspects of Billy’s life aren’t so commonplace. His keen and precocious interest in politics is totally unexpected from one so young, and his enthusiasm for Margaret Thatcher, in particular, appears very unlikely in a Labour-voting household.
Forty years later, Billy remains both a fan of Doctor Who and an advocate of right-wing politics. He also happens to have made a small fortune building a successful, Leicester-based advertising business. But cleverness and money aren’t getting him a date with the woman he adores, and nor are they likely to help when Billy’s brother Keith is released from prison with vengeance on his mind.
For reviews, further information, or to buy Red Leicester Blues, follow THIS LINK to the book’s Amazon page.